More and more women are making the right choice. They are choosing to get concealed carry permits so that they can defend themselves in a variety of potentially dangerous situations. It’s a great sign for women and the confidence that they don’t want to be the “damsel in distress” needing a “knight in shining armor” to come rescue them. Women are on it.
The statistics aren’t out for 2020 yet since the year isn’t over, but the 2019 report on gun ownership detailed that 18.66 million people in the United States obtained a new concealed carry permit during that time. That’s up over 304 percent from the previous year.
You can imagine with everything that has happened in 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic and rampant amounts of civil unrest all over the country, that number is going to be even higher this year.
Women are definitely a large proportion of that number of new concealed carry holders. In 2019, women consisted of 26.5 percent of those new permit holders. It’s hard to tell the actual number because not all states report their statistics by gender. Only 12 states report on gender.
So, the trend may be that women are actually getting more concealed carry permits than men. And why shouldn’t they take that ultimate responsibility for their own safety by being a responsible gun owner? It’s absolutely the best way to exercise your rights as an American citizen.
Lots of women are also signing up or concealed carry and defense classes. The National Carry Academy, which is located in Minnesota, reported a spike in enrollment of more than 200 percent recently due to a response from the Parkland shooting that happened in 2018.
The good news is that you don’t have to take these classes in person either. They have an online program, so that you can get certified in any state that you live in without having to be there. This is essential news for those people still concerned about social distancing, but still want to be able to protect themselves by having the proper concealed carry training. All you have to do is go to the website, type in your state, and follow their instructions to sign up. The online class is only around $70.
The National Carry Academy also has a ton of great resources available on their website about laws in each state on gun rights, articles on how to improve your shooting skills, and even how to find a great firearms instructor. It’s an exceptional resource that any new gun owner, man or woman, should take some time to look through for helpful tips and instruction.