Anti-gun advocates may be targeted Washington, D.C., to push politicians to take away everyday Americans’ guns, but polls demonstrate that law abiding citizens want real solutions not firearm seizures.
Recent surveys conducted in the wake of the Parkland, Florida, high school tragedy indicate that people have tuned out the anti-gun lobby’s rhetoric and want to improve school security and mental health treatment. The majority do not favor more empty gun restrictions followed by TV breaking news headlines about slain children.
Americans Reject Anti-Gun Narrative
In a recent Gallup poll, a survey highlighted that a 56 to 41 percent majority of “Americans are more likely to say the government should change laws related to ‘school security and mental health system’ rather than the ‘laws on the sales of guns and ammunition’ as the best way to prevent future school shootings.”
Some of the important points that surfaced in the Gallup poll included the following:
The study also questioned Americans about seven possible approaches to prevent more school shootings. Three of the top four most popular proposals include school safety policies and mental health solutions. Only one of the measures focused on background checks and increased gun restrictions. Only some Americans concluded that raising the age to purchase firearms and banning semi-automatic weapons were good ideas.
Hero Ends Maryland Shooting Quickly
While the nation wrestled with how to protect school-aged children, another outbreak of violence occurred at Great Mills High School in Maryland. A teen brought a firearm into a school and open fire on a female and male student. Early reports indicate that the shooter may have been driven to violence over an emotional breakdown. Before any of the students could be fatally shot, the school’s resource officer engaged the shooter and ended the threat.
Deputy Blaine Gaskill has been widely praised as a hero for potentially saving many children’s lives. His background included S.W.A.T training and on-the-job experience confronting armed suspects. His reaction time was swift, decisive and reports indicate he neutralized the threat to the student body in about 1 minute. In Parkland, Florida, a less trained member of the Broward County Sheriff Department failed to enter the building while 17 high schoolers were slaughtered.
The tragedy appears to have swayed hearts and minds that mental health treatment and armed security are the best ways to protect America’s children. To that end, The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that directs resources to protect school-aged children by enriching mental health policies and providing additional funding for school security. The bill also provides funding for school officials, teachers and first responders to create and implement programs that lead to heightened school safety. The measure passed the U.S. House with bipartisan support and an almost unanimous final tally.
~ Firearm Daily