Gun show attendees in Virginia are now living with new restrictions announced earlier in the summer — and they don’t it. And to be sure, there is very little too like.
On July 1, 2020 some of the gun laws changed in Virginia targeting gun shows, the sale of firearms, and other restrictions to boot.
Gun owners in Virginia may now only purchase one handgun per month. Obviously, there is no constitutional basis for this at all. Pro-Second Amendment advocacy have already filed lawsuits, but cases have been held up in the court system.
Unfortunately, gun owners in Virginia have to live with this arbitrary laws — for now. Let’s take a deeper look at what they’re dealing with.
Gun Show Crackdowns
One of the legislation’s mandates is universal background at gun shows. This requires that law enforcement be present to check the background of anyone buying a gun at the show before they can leave with that weapon.
This is a complicated process for the promoters at such events. In order to secure a police presence, they must request local law enforcement well in advance of the show. They also have to make sure that they have a large booth area for the police officers to provide these background checks.
There must be signs at the gun show placed around the area that declare these new laws to the attendees so that everyone is informed of the changes.
These background checks at local gun shows are definitely going to take longer than instant background checks. Virginians attending these shows can expect to wait one to two hours, and maybe even a couple of days before receiving the guns they just purchased.
The first gun show with these new restrictions took place in Richmond during the last weekend in August. It was the first gun show to occur in the state since the Covid-19 pandemic began in March, effectively canceling an entire season of summer gun shows. They saw a record demand for people attending the event with many purchasing firearms there. Many booths ran out of guns and ammo quite early on.
Even More Restrictions
The rest of the restrictions ban certain people from having a firearm. Those with a protection order against them must turn over their guns within a certain time period.
People who lose a firearm must report it within 48 hours time to local law enforcement.
There are additional restrictions against people having firearms around children, and for those that are “deemed a danger to themselves or others” — whatever that means.
Restrictions. Restrictions. Restrictions. While some of these restrictions are aimed at keeping people safe, others just plain violate people’s Second Amendment rights and are just bad news for gun owners there in Virginia.
This is what you get when Democrats are elected to office, Wake up America this Democratic party has changed and not for the better. They are run by a bunch of fools that want to destroy America, if you notice they have never said one word about these rioters that are destroying the fabric of the country. There is going to be a revolution in this country and it will because by the Democrats and will open this country up to others that want us destroyed.
Get a Republican voted in and remove King Northem from office and change back the laws! Before its too late! Thats why it’s important to vote! But I feel there’s gonna be a civil war here soon because of the democrats! What did Hitler do first? Removed citizens guns first before he slaughtered a lot of Germans and Jews! WAKE UP AMERICA!
It’s getting ridiculous how the same Democrats that just basically sit around doing nothing, but making rude comments on Twitter, enforcing lockdowns and isolation, forcing citizens to remain home while their businesses crash, and not allowing people to work or see family. When they actually do anything it is always to dictate to us what we can and can not do.
Perfect example of their totalitarian leadership are their obvious double standards. Celebrities can travel and take vacations while we all must remain in our homes under what can be equated to house arrest. Politicians may travel and make public appearances or even go to a hair salon which is neither a health necessity or protected by law. Yet we’re being told we can’t go, can’t have barbecues, can’t visit parents in old folks homes and can’t hold a funeral with more than two people if at all.
These weasels only some out of hiding and gather to pass more restrictive laws or to protect their funded protesters. They haven’t accomplished anything either as individuals or as a group, but they are very quick to violate our rights and the Constitution of the United States which is one of our most sacred documents.
These restrictions are really hitting below the belt and backstabbing citizens. It’s our government and they serve us. Yet they will steal that from for which we have fought and campaigned and even voted with a single meeting and a few signatures from power hungry traitors. All the while, they receive tax payer funded security and continue to provide exceptions for themselves so they can have all the conveniences of life and whatever services they are unwilling to give up, but yet steal from all of us.
We just watched Desouza’s Death of a Nation this weekend. This movie should be mandatory for every single person in our country to watch. Perhaps it might open a few eyes and wake some people up, not to be confused with the “woke” the left is spewing.
We are losing our rights every day to these evil people that legislate in the dark of the night where nothing good can ever happen and they’re getting away with it. It’s turning into death by a thousand cuts and we’re getting close to the point of requiring bloodshed to get back on the right track. I pray it won’t come to that but every day I feel less free and know this can’t go on much longer. It’s not a matter of if, but when!
Well, those folks in Virginia elected a bunch of Constitution hating politicians into office. I just attended a Gun Show in San Antonio on the 5th. Great show, as always. We had uniformed police present and they were some of the most courteous officers I’ve seen. Things ran smoothly and it was a lot of fun. Now, back to Virginia. One question. Does the ‘oath of office’ these politicians swear to have have the words ‘protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’ somewhere in that ‘oath’? If so…then they have violated their oath of office and should be removed. Being democrats, though, they’ll be as hard to remove as a tick in a dog’s ear. Leeches come to mind, too, and might be a better description.