War is a curious thing to the West. It’s something we watch on the News, talk about with our friends and family, but not many of us actually know what it’s like to have a bloody war in our own backyards.
While Russia deployed 100,000 troops into Ukraine, in a lot of people’s minds, it’s a far off place and people usually have the mindset that such things couldn’t happen in America.
According to Admiral Charles Richard, the head of U.S Strategic Command (STRATCOM), which is responsible for America’s nuclear deterrence and response, said it is important for America to develop the capabilities to defend itself not only from Russia should it choose to attack, but China too.
The Epoch Times reported, that during address to the House Armed Services Committee that:
“Today, we face two nuclear-capable near-peers who have the capability to unilaterally escalate a conflict to any level of violence in any domain worldwide, with any instrument of national power, and that is historically significant,” adding that both countries became a major concern last year in April, but now it “has now become a reality.”
“That need is now an imperative,” Richard said in a dire tone.
The outlet reported further:
In April 2021, he told lawmakers at another congressional hearing that the United States for the first time in history was “on a trajectory to face two nuclear-capable, strategic peer adversaries at the same time.”
Months later, he said the United States was “witnessing a strategic breakout by China,” adding that the Chinese regime’s “explosive growth and modernization of its nuclear and conventional forces” was “breathtaking.”
“Last fall, I formally reported to the secretary of defense, the PRC’s [People’s Republic of China] strategic breakout,” Richard said. “Their expansion and modernization in 2021 alone is breathtaking.”
“Make no mistake; China’s strategic breakout is cause for action,” he said during a speech at the Space and Missile Defense Symposium in Alabama in August.
“What matters is they are building the capability to execute any plausible nuclear employment strategy, the last brick in the wall of a military capable of coercion,” Richard said, going on to reference China’s rapidly advancing hypersonic capability, which is developing to a point where current U.S. missile defenses “may not be sufficient to detect and track them.”
“In 2019, the PRC [People’s Republic of China] test-launched more ballistic missiles than the rest of the world combined,” he said.
Richard went on to note that China is building a new tunnel for their nuclear testing facility – Lop Nur – “China has an active nuclear weapons testing program,”
“You add all this up and what you get is something that is inconsistent with a minimum deterrence posture,” said Richard.
China has only up until recently, had a strategy of stockpiling nuclear weapons to ward off attack and Richard noted that the denial by Chinese officials that they are working hard on their nuclear programs, are meaningless.
“You’ve got to look at what they do, not what they say,” he said. “The breathtaking growth in strategic nuclear capability enables China to change their posture and their strategy.”
The Pentagon has already warned that China has the capabilities to launch as many as 1000 nuclear missiles and according to Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of the U.S Northern Command, said China has not slowed down on pursuing hypersonic weapons.
In November, the Pentagon warned that China could deploy as many as 1,000 deliverable nuclear missiles by 2030.
“They’re aggressively pursuing hypersonic capability, tenfold to what we have done as far as testing within the last year or so, significantly outpacing us with their capabilities,” VanHerck said at the hearing this week.
As for current U.S. military capabilities, Richard expressed optimism.
“I am satisfied with the posture of my forces. I have made no recommendations to make any changes,” he said. “The nation’s nuclear command and control is in its most defended, most resilient lineup that it’s ever been in its history.”
America oh how I remember how great we were,I remember$2.oo gas, I remember buying a nice steak under ten bucks. I remember a strong president, who kept our county safe…I remember a president with big balls, who kept Russia & China at bay. We were energy solvent, people were happy…Now we have shit in the white house, and $6.oo dollar gas.WW3 is about to rip the world apart. Our sorry ass president is not capable to solve the problems. He leads from behind, just like Obama! His staff listens to a 1/2 ass NYC bartender & her squad, they promote the green energy shit. Her mouth spreads lies like the fool that she is. Crackhead Daddy needs a good ass woopen. His been on the take for over 50 years. Hes been wrong on every policy decision he made, everyone now suffers. He raised our taxes, while our cities burn,. Murder, runs rampet in Bidens America,as they try to defunde the cops. If we can servive this BOZO in the whitehouse, the cavelry is coming in Nov Its time for America to be great again…Trump fixed Obama,s bullshit…And he will restore the pipeline, and we will drill like our life depends on it…Because it does! Crackhead Daddy ruined America in 1 year. He is the biggest asshole in the world. His whole family got rich, his son..the biggest peice of shit in the world, with no brain is rich beyoud his years…All kick backs from Russia, & China & the Ukraine…Wake up America, stand tall, Make our country great again…. VOTE TRUMP 2024 YOUR LFE BEPENDS ON IT!
In my opinion we are now at least 2 years behind completing full forensic investigations into the finances of everyone in the Biden family. Ever since the discovery of Hunter’s laptop there has been no excuse to not investigate them. I am confident that many Americans would love to see what is found if the DOJ and FBI followed the money! I would imagine that many Americans also consider these agencies as at minimum guilty of dereliction of duty.
Civil war maybe closer than ww3. Obiden dividing this country like only Obummer has done before him. Both need to be found guilty of treason… Firing squad at dawn.
Ole creepy sleepy jo has the midas touch. Everything he touches turns to schiff !
Tell me why anyone with a brain would of voted for Joe Stupid in the first place. They knew he was nothing but a stupid ass creep and big time thief. Now because of him he has put the worst brain dead whore in the office of vice president. This bitch has won the award for being completely crazy and she is even dumber than that NY barroom whore that is running the country into the ground because of stupid. Now on top of that ever dam one of the people that he has put in some government office are so dam stupid.
We have a government of nothing but dam idiots. I hope he bankrupts ever one of those bastards that gave him money. Their days are coming, I feel.