It’s always an honorable idea to support programs for military veterans who are disabled. After all, these brave men and women have served our country in a way that defends our freedom and purpose as a nation. They deserve our assistance in a variety of ways.
There are many organizations that help these veterans with getting acclimated back into civilian life. One such organization is Hunts for Heroes, run by the Arizona Elk Society as part of their Heroes Rising Outdoors to empower veterans.
What the Hunts for Heroes Organization Does
The purpose of Hunts for Heroes is to get disabled veterans back into the outdoors on hunting trips. They are able to provide these hunts by getting tags donated from various hunters around the state. You can donate by going to the donation website or sending an email to this address: [email protected].
Even though this organization operates out of Arizona, there are programs similar to this in most states including Texas, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Utah. Donating a tag, your time, or money is a perfect way to thank a veteran for their service. Being in nature helps a wounded veteran have the opportunity to heal and gives them a hunting experience that can make them feel more like themselves again. Arizona is a great place for this program to exist.
Arizona Is a Beautiful Place to Hunt
The desert and mountainous landscaping of Arizona make it a gorgeous place to hunt almost year round. The only season you may want to avoid is the summertime, where temperatures can get up in the 100s. Some of the animals in the area are black bear, elk, desert bighorn sheep, mountain lions, turkey, and javelina.
The diverse ecosystem of a desert climate makes it an ideal place for the veteran to experience different types of hunts no matter what their disability is after their military service.
The Arizona Elk Society Also Has Youth Programs
The Arizona Elk Society is not only able to help out veterans get back into hunting, but they have youth programs as well. This allows kids of all ages to get away from their screens and into the outdoors where they are learning practical skills that can help build their confidence. They learn from mentors and experts hunters in the field. Some of the groups that they work with are the Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts of America. These children can learn actual hunting skills by going to a workshop that features javelina and small game hunting, a junior elk clinic, or a youth turkey camp. That all sounds like a memorable time a kid would never forget.
Donate to Help Vets and Kids
Once again if you can donate a tag or funds to this worthy organization, you’ll be helping kids and vets with valuable hunting skills and experiences. Contact them today to find out all the ways you can get involved. You’ll be glad you did.