Foxtel, a satellite operator in Australia, has given Russian media outlet RT notice and says they will no longer be broadcasting the channel in Australia as part of its service “in view of concern about the situation in Ukraine.”
If you didn’t know, Australia went full totalitarian regime during the covid pandemic, putting Aussies into what are essentially concentration camps or what the Australian government calls “quarantine camps”….even if they don’t have covid.
This comes after Poland also said that they will be removing RT and other Russian outlets on Thursday.
Australia already heavily censors news coming into the country, and this is just another example of governments using anything they can to justify further cutting off citizens from information.
Around 3.8 million people had access to RT before it was cut off and Editor-in-chief Anna Belkina responded in a statement to Poland and Australia axing their feed by saying:
“RT journalists tirelessly work to bring valuable facts and views to an audience of millions around the world,” she said, adding that “if ever there were a time to recognize the importance of all fact-gathering news … it is now.”
RT has already been accused of being part of a “global disinformation campaign” by the UK, after the government asked regulator Ofcom to reconsider RT’s operating license.
The Russian Foreign Ministry had already warned against banning RT in foreign nations and said it would perceive any such actions would be matched in kind.
Maria Zakharova, the ministry’s spokeswoman warned that the United Kingdom’s threats to cut RT, wouldn’t be ignored if they follow through, “I the UK follows through on its threats against the Russian media, a response will not be long in coming.”
And while the world suspiciously attempts to stop information coming out of Russia, it’s role in the United Nations has come under close scrutiny since the Russian military entered Ukraine.
Russia is currently presiding over the councils discussions regarding the move into Ukraine and the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is calling for Russia to be stripped of its vote.
“To deprive the aggressor country of the right to vote in the U.N. Security Council, to qualify Russian actions and statements as genocide of the Ukrainian people, to help with the delivery of corpses of Russian soldiers. Talked about it in a conversation with UN Secretary General [Antonio Guterres],” he said on Twitter.
The U.S Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, dismissed this, however, when she was asked whether Russia would be scrubbed from the Security Council.
“Russia is a member of the Security Council. That’s in the U.N. Charter,” she said on CNN. “But we are going to hold Russia accountable for disrespecting the U.N. Charter. And they have been isolated in many different ways. So just to indicate, 80 countries joined us in co-sponsoring the resolution, more than 50 countries joined us at the podium to call out Russia’s aggression, so the fact of their sitting on the Security Council does not mean they’re protected from criticism, protected from isolation, and protected from condemnation.”
Zelensky announced on Facebook that he has agreed to meet with a Russian delegation on the Ukraine-Belarusian border, Belarus being the launch point for the Russian military.
However, Belarus has joined Putin’s efforts and will be fighting alongside Russia and plan to invade in the next few days, making their way towards the Ukrainian capital.
I question the wisdom of cutting off information coming from Russia. That assumes the information is somehow of no use to the West. We should get to hear what our “enemy” has to say without censorship.