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ATF Question American Citizens About Gun Purchase As Government Attempts To Undo The Constitution

Apparently, the United States Constitution is not worth the paper it was written on any longer, as government agents begin to harass American citizens who want to purchase firearms.

A man in Delaware, was surprised by a visit from ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) agents, after he made the “mistake” of purchasing more than one gun at a time.

In a video taken by the man, ATF agents are seen questioning him about his purchase and that they would like to see his firearms.

“So, the idea is that when you purchase more than two guns, it generates a multiple cell report, which comes to us, and we have to check them out.” One of the agents says on camera.

The agent also insisted that the man had “done nothing wrong” despite the agents being present on his front porch. 

Radio show host Glenn Beck has advice for anyone that has government agents turn up at their homes, wanting to see their firearms.

“If ATF, FBI,  anybody steps up and says “we just need to see your guns, we just need to verify you have these guns” no, where is the warrant and officer, nothing against you, I don’t mean to be a headache with you, but I’m sorry, we live in different times and I’ve got to exercise my Constitutional right because I’m afraid of a government that wants to take away guns.” Beck said.

“Go back to the judge and get a warrant.” Beck added.

Beck made it clear that a person does not have to say anymore than no and for the agents to obtain a warrant. The Second Amendment is a birth-right and the government has no right to take that away from Americans.

According to Beck, the only way that a government agency can investigate a gun owner legally, is if they have evidence that the owner has used that gun in some illegal way.

Since Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the administration and fellow Democrats have tried with all their might to strip away the rights of Americans – some of which was foiled by recent United States Supreme Court rulings.

There is a real threat happening right now, not only are there enemies abroad that are desperate to bring down the United States, but the lunatic Democrats are attempting to destroy the country from the inside.

Everyone knew this would happen when Joe Biden “won” the 2020 Presidential Election, everyone knew that the Democrats would put America into a bad situation, both on the world stage and here at home.

There is a lot to be said about a government that is ruining the country with inflation and pushing its citizens into poverty, while at the same time attempting to disarm them – they are not to be trusted – ever.

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2 Responses

  1. Be careful using the word “afraid”. Depending on who is in power in your area, ATF might bring an anti-gun shrink with them when they come to confiscate everything in your house. At minimum, it will give them a red-flag law reason to get that warrant. Also, if they do get a warrant, they will have the right to stroll through your house looking for guns and taking note of anything they see that can be used for further warrants. Best to call an attorney before they return. If you know which gun(s) they want to examine, it’s best to separate it from any other guns you have so you don’t have to open a whole safe full of things in front of them that weren’t included in the warrant.

  2. crazy times, trying to take away one of the original bill of rights–especially when the ruskies/chinks are threatening the U.S. about our people going to Taiwan!

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