In a desperate bid to stop Russia from taking over his entire nation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is begging foreign soldiers from around the world to join the war on his side and help Ukraine’s army fend off Russian soldiers.
He says his plea is working and more than 16,000 foreign nationals have joined Ukraine’s army; the number is impossible to confirm, but there is clear evidence that some American veterans are taking up arms on Ukraine’s side, putting the United States at risk of being drawn into combat with a nuclear power controlled by a President who has clearly stated he would be willing to nuke foreign nations who get involved.
United States President Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that he does not want Americans on the ground in Ukraine, but, not surprisingly, he has yet to issue a clear statement on the topic of American veterans joining Ukraine’s army.
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has likewise been vague about the issue, merely telling Americans considering traveling to the nation to consider the current previous State Department directives encouraging Americans in Ukraine to leave the country.
Russia, on the other hand, has had no problem telling the world what would happen to foreign nationals who come to Ukraine to pick up arms against Russia.
Igor Konashenkov, a spokesperson for the Russian Defense Ministry, has clearly stated that foreigners on the ground would be treated as mercenaries, not soldiers.
As such, Russia would not consider such individuals to be protected under humanitarian rules governing the treatment of prisoners of war.
At best, Americans who take up arms in Ukraine and are captured by the Russian army can expect criminal prosecution, and would likely languish in jail like former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan.
The Biden Administration has done nothing to secure his freedom and American veterans shouldn’t expect it to come to their aid, either.
On the other hand, Russian soldiers could simply shoot foreign fighters, either deliberately or without realizing they are not Ukrainian soldiers.
Such a scenario would lead to widespread outrage as American families demand that the Biden Administration avenge the deaths of American veterans who sacrificed everything to fight for a cause they believed in.
In such an instance, President Biden could give in to pressure from the public and his own pro-war advisors and put American soldiers on the ground in Ukraine.
Alternatively, his administration may use images of dead American veterans in Ukraine to start a war just in time for the midterm elections, to distract the American public from its many domestic failures in an attempt to keep control of both Houses of Congress.
Only time will tell what will happen to American veterans who take up arms in Ukraine to combat Russia’s war of aggression there.
What can be said for certain is that the move greatly ups the odds of the United States getting involved in the conflict, either by chance or by design.
Many of President Biden’s cabinet and party members seem all too eager to drag America into the war there, and President Biden’s cognitive abilities are in decline at a time when the United States has never been closer to an armed conflict with Russia than it is now.
While American veterans could make it out of the conflict alive and well, there are no guarantees.
Even the Taliban was able to inflict causalities on America’s army, so it would be all too likely that at least some of these veterans would either be killed or captured in the conflict, and it’s also likely that such a scenario could result in the Biden Administration reneging on its promise not to put American soldiers on the ground.
If the United States sends its army into Ukraine, Russia and the United States would immediately be at war with each other. NATO would be obligated to join the conflict as well; the world would immediately be at war and there is a very real possibility at least one nation will use nukes in order to tip the scales in its favor.
The ilegitiment clownshow Joe Biden and Hunter medaled in the politics on Ukraine until they pissed Putin off . Not one American life should be lost to protect Joe and Hunters investments in Ukraine . Joe started this mess when he was VP under Obama . Get a clue people Joe Biden and the Democrats are corrupt pieces of shit and the media is full of crap also . Don’t let them use your emotions to draw you in to thier lies and corruption. LETS GO BRANDON #FJB.
If every one just lets Russia & China do what ever they want WW III is coming.
I am learning how to build an above ground fallout shelter!
As a veteran I am behind those who have gone over there but at 83 I am to old but I support my brothers and sisters who are there!!!!
American combat veterans have been in Ukraine since 2014 when Russia started their invasion of Ukraine. I know because I was there in 2014 and met them.