If you live in Virginia, there’s a new bill that may make renting a firearm from the shooting range a lot more difficult. Virginia’s state legislature is considering a new bill introduced by Democratic senate member, Creigh Deeds. It’s called SB 1250 and gun rights groups aren’t happy about what it requires.
What Is SB 1250 All About?
SB 1250 is the first bill that would require background checks at all gun ranges if someone wants to rent a firearm to use there. This bill is pointless considering when someone rents a gun from a shooting range, they aren’t legally owning it and taking the gun home.
This would be a major problem for the law enforcement officials with the Virginia State Police that would have to run all those pointless background checks. The cost and resources are considerable in money and time for the police to have to go through all this extra work. They estimate this would add at least 200 extra background checks per day. In 2019, almost 800,000 background checks were performed.
Their Reasoning Behind the Bill
Virginia Democrats came up with the bill in response to a very rare occurrence. There were a couple of deaths by suicide at gun ranges in the state. Both of these tragic incidents took place at the same firing range in Hanover County. The parents of both men were ostensibly part of creating the bill that will head to a vote in the coming months.
Keep in mind that shooting ranges do have policies in place to help prevent suicides. Firearms are used in suicides less than one percent of the time according to the Harvard School of Public Health’s Injury Control Research Center. Most shooting ranges require that a person who rents a gun comes with another person and isn’t alone. Others require that the person has a concealed carry permit or a certificate of safety training.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) believes that the shooting ranges are doing enough to prevent these rare tragedies from happening. Mitchell Tyler, who is the owner of Safeside Tactical, has the two ranges he owns in Virginia make sure to train his staff to be aware of signs that someone who entering the range is going through a mental health crisis. They partner with Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare to make sure that this training is effective.
SB 1250 is just one of many gun control bills going through the Virginia legislature at this time. Currently, there is no federal or state law requiring background checks for firearm rentals at shooting ranges.
Come on Virginia, why are you letting these self serving democrats ruin your state? You will lose all of your freedoms eventually if you continue to sit on your butts. This law is another way for the democrats to eat away at your freedoms, piece by piece!
This is all about control, nothing else. It is sad that someone decides to commit suicide. But, they would find any way possible to succeed, gun or no gun. Guns at a shooting range is a choice, the same as a choice of drugs, slashing wrists, jumping off of a bridge, etc. Background checks will do nothing to stop someone that is hell bent on committing suicide. Senator Deeds is grandstanding, looking to improve his resume of public service. He should focus his energy on improving life and liberty of the residents of the once great state of Virginia. It would be wise for the residents of Virginia to rise up, vote out, or recall, any politician that attempts to reduce ANY Virginia freedom.
Senator Deeds is just grandstanding as stated. He just wants to pass as many laws as he can so he can say look what I did. If someone wants to commit suicide they will find a way. Just another useless law presented by the Democrats. I can’t understand why the Democrats are hell bent to make Virginia and the US a socialist society. Just look at other socialist country’s Is that what they want there children and grandchildren to grow up in
What in the hell is wrong with the citizens of Virginia, They are leting these clowns take away all their rights.
Virginia wake the hell up before your state goes socolistic.
Not just a Virginia problem it seems but a national crisis. The problem it seems is that because not too many people are really paying attention and because the darn media taking a similar stand against the constitutional freedoms even they live under, is not telling the story, or telling it with a twusted agenda as the lips servers of the left, fewer and fewer people in Virginia and the nation are not really hearing the proper media indignation and thus not voting or contacting their representatives to STOP this sheitz.
Democratic Socialists are walking all over us and our rights for what…POWER? And people who do vote fro them just want to be coddled and taken care of thinking it is for free. But for how long can that continue before the money runs out and the rest of the world steps all over us!? How long before our individual rights are slowly eroded by these fools and we suddenly wake up to find ourselves like Cuba or Venezuela, Russia or China or worse, Germany of WWII!
Re-read your older history books WOKE cupcakes and Twinkies , a lost generation suckling on the teats of lassitude and indifference, bemused and beguiled by class politics and me-ist coddling as canceling counter-culturist ‘woke” politics, totally unaware of how history which repeats itself, is ruining whatever is left of this great country and world.
They are The disenfranchised, angry lost and spoiled rotten youth of the world who have been lied to by the greedy institutions of higher learning and the highly politicized media, youth who just haven’t a clue and unable or clear headed or educated enough to see a palms distance before their drug numbed faces, what is happening. That truth is that the first thing your lying voted for representatives, our government leaders, will take is the guns and free speech and then everything else as they continue mailing out paltry compensation checks for the gold they take from us.
That coupe is ALREADY HAPPENING but the media is silent and the hipsters and woke idiots granted voting power are letting it happen one election at a time by voting for ignorant greedy idiots like Northam, Cuomo, Nusam, Biden and Harris, AOC and her snobby pseudo-intellectual woke s”quat” and the other greedy power hungry fools like them at every level government. Like cockroaches they will expand their power and numbers (as Schumer said again and again “BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!” until nothing OURS is left and they obtain their goal.
POWER!? Don’t they already have more than most of us other citizens?? How much power do these stinky social dingleberries , these political hacks, these governmental free-loaders and social pariahs really need? How much of our country or our way of life do they want to ruin or take from us? Empowered by the few supported by the media and for the sake of a clueless majority, they self-righteously enact laws or change constitutional edicts in place for hundreds of years, to placate “their base, “Their constituants” at the cost of the rights of the many?