If you’re not familiar with Wish.com, we’ll get you caught up: it’s basically a hub where you can purchase a cheap, Chinese knock-off version of just about anything that already exists.
And yes, this includes items for gun owners — such as body armor.
We don’t think we need to spell this out, but we will anyway just incase it’s in any way unclear — you really don’t want to skimp out on body armor. This is material you supposedly trust to stop a slug from breaking your ribs, or prevent a lethal exit wound from causing permanent damage. So, if you anticipate a need for this kind of product, you should invest in the high-quality stuff.
But, we know logic isn’t going to reach everyone out there, so we think this video can be pretty useful. And, we’ll just be honest about this upfront — we did not expect the armor reviewed here to perform as well as it did. The helmet looks like a toy, and the first vest looks like a Halloween costume that was hastily repurposed for an actual firefight.
Of course, demonstrations like these don’t always provide definitive proof that a product will perform the same way during an actual survival situation. Regardless, we still recommend you purchase tried-and-tested body amor if you’re going to buy any at all.
Here’s Matt from Demolition Ranch with the full review.