The United States Concealed Carry Association is running a contest for prospective new members which has an estimated value of $25,000.
The USCCA calls it the “Guns & Gear Getaway,” and the prize package includes a trip to Nashville, TN to next year’s Concealed Carry Expo that will take place in April. All travel expenses are paid as part of the grand prize for you and a guest of your choice. The best part is that you’ll also receive a $15,000 guns and gear shopping spree.
That’s a pretty cool prize. Can you imagine having $15,000 to buy the firearms of your dreams — something special that you’ve always wanted to have, but couldn’t afford?
Along with that, you’ll have VIP access to the expo, reserved seating at any course you want to go to, and one-on-one training with a certified instructor at the live fire shooting range that will be available at the event. Clearly, the USCCA is serious about boosting its membership rolls.
According to the USCCA, membership offers invaluable benefits for gun owners.. The organization also provides legal protection and counseling in the event members use their firearms in emergency situations. The service gives you access to an attorney right away.
There are gold, platinum, and elite membership packages that give you access to different educational tools, skills training, legal protection, and other membership perks like a subscription to Concealed Carry Magazine.
The group also has a daily gun giveaway that you can enter to win when you join the group. For example, today’s gun value that you can win is worth $1,082 – the Sig SAUER P320 X5 Legion. It’s perfect for everyday carry even as a full-sized pistol.
The website for the USCCA goes into full details about everything that their membership can give to you. The group currently has 325,000 members.