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The Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse Has Officially Began

The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed two men and injured a third during Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the summer of 2020, has begun.

America has been waiting with baited breath since Rittenhouse was arrested to know what the possible fate of Rittenhouse will be since he was charged with homicide and attempted murder. 

Before trial began, Judge Bruce Schroeder, who is presiding over the case, allowed Kyle’s defense attorneys to label the three men rioters, arsonists and looters. 

Because that’s exactly what they were.

Anyone who watched the videos of that fateful night would tell you — if they were telling the truth without bias — that it was self defense.

Without a doubt.

Rittenhouse was in Kenosha on the third night of rioting, to help protect a car dealership and other businesses as buildings throughout the town had already been set ablaze by left-wing agitators and burned to the ground the previous two nights. 

These riots had come on the heels of a summer that had seen a huge amount of rioting, all across the country, after the death of drug addict felon George Floyd. 

People were tired of losing their livelihoods and homes to the mob. 

Hence the call for armed militia to protect businesses.

Both the prosecution and the defense teams made their opening statements. 

The prosecution is arguing that Rittenhouse was a vigilante, who took the law into his own hands. 

Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger told the jury during his opening statement that, “Out of the hundreds of people that came to Kenosha during that week, the hundreds of people that were out on the streets that week, the evidence will show that the only person who killed anyone was the defendant Kyle Rittenhouse.”

He continued, “You are the people who will apply that standard of reasonableness to the defendant’s behavior and make a determination as to whether or not deadly force was reasonable.” 

Dominick Black, a friend of Rittenhouse, was the defense team’s first witness. Black stated Rittenhouse had called him after the first shooting panicked and said “people were trying to hurt him,” so he had no choice but to defend himself. 

It doesn’t take a lot of digging to find that Kyle Rittenhouse had no other choice but to defend himself. The outcome could have been very different if Rittenhouse had been unarmed, and this due to the men he shot being absolute scum. 

Joseph Rosenbaum, the first to be shot by Rittenhouse after he lunged for his rifle, was charged by a grand jury in Pima County, Arizona, with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. 

Rosenbaum molested five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old. 

Rosenbaum was an instigator who had been seen acting aggressively and starting fires, one in a dumpster that Rittenhouse had used a fire extinguisher to put out. 

The second to be shot was Anthony Huber, a convicted felon who also had a colorful rap sheet, including strangulation, suffocation and false imprisonment. He was violent towards his own family, once holding a carving knife to his brother’s throat and threatening to “gut him like a pig”. 

Huber had attacked Rittenhouse with his skateboard before being killed from a single shot after also attempting to take the rifle from Rittenhouse.

The third was Gaige Grosskreutz, an open Satan worshiper, who had been arrested for prowling prior to the incident, and had also attempted to take Rittenhouse’s firearm when he was shot in the bicep. 

Photos and video on the night clearly show Grosskruetz was holding a pistol in his hand, and in the aftermath, Grosskrutez was stated as saying he “wished he had killed the kid.”

Absolutely they were trying to hurt him, and absolutely it was self-defense.

The trial is slated to take two to three weeks.

Let’s hope there’s some justice and vindication for the legendary Kyle Rittenhouse.

And yes, the man is a legend.

He earned that status in Kenosha. For sure.

Stay strong, patriot. We all have your back.

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8 Responses

  1. He should have never even been arrested. Attack a conservative is what the Democrats preach, they want our guns, and total control. Will not happen.

  2. Hawk is absolutely right. The leftist prosecutor obviously believes that your God-given Right To Life gors out the window any time a criminal wants to kill you and expects you to kneel for execution. A pox on him.

    Also, we need to remember that you must ***never*** say that you were trying to “kill” your attacker; you were trying to ***stop*** him from killing you. After all, it’s useless to kill an attacker if he hills you before he dies.

  3. Anyone with common sense can clearly see that it was self defense. Every video shows that Kyle was being chased, hit on the head with the skateboard and a gun pointed at him. If he’s found guilty,KARMA will bite those jurors in the ass

  4. Kyle should be awarded the congressional medal of honor. Glad those 2 scumbags are gone. The pedophile will not rape anymore children my heart goes out to them and their families. Maybe old one arm will cool his jets.

  5. Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero and deserves a medal. He should be freed immediately.
    All the Antifa are dangerous and should be thrown in a dungeon. Why haven’t they been destroyed from the get go? Why are they allowed to walk around with knives and guns? How come they haven’t been so active? Where are they gathering, sleeping, eating, training? I bet Georgie Porgie knows where. They are Terrorists and they are working for the Criminal Cabal. They should all be destroyed!!!

  6. should get presidential freedom award from a real president

  7. How many tens of thousands of dollars saved by taking out the garbage
    Kyle is a hero , only in a warped lawless society where it seems only the brave and good are punished

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