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Study Suggests Handmade Guns are On the Rise

While governments from all around the world attempt to continue to regulate their citizens’ legal access to firearms, those same citizens continue to defy the rules and make their own. Although the majority of these hand-crafted guns cannot really be accurately traced, it is estimated that there are millions in existence around the world.

Those who are determined to enjoy their freedom of gun ownership will do so, even if it means making the guns for themselves. They are crafting firearms that range from single-shot guns, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, and muskets to just about everything you can imagine and beyond. Where there is a will; there is a way. In fact, new studies indicate that the efforts of governments worldwide to regulate firearm access and disarm citizens are being completely disregarded, as the crafting of homemade guns is not only thriving, but growing.

In fact, the Small Arms Survey report, ”Beyond State Control: Improvised and Craft-produced Small Arms and Light Weapons” indicates that firearms are easier than ever to manufacture in basic workshops, where people are actually shown how to make the weapons. This insightful report offers a look at the scale of the production of firearms, as well as acquisition patterns, and significance of law enforcement policies.

People around the world are very defiant of restrictive gun laws. People are modifying their guns, making guns in workshops, smuggling them, and absolutely refusing to register them as required.

Much of this home crafting of guns is due to the internet, where anyone can find just about anything they need to know about making a homemade gun. The abundance of online instructional videos and people sharing their knowledge is overwhelming. Due to this easily accessible knowledge, it should come as no surprise that even though legally manufactured guns are available to purchase, people are buying them for less money and with no guidelines or background checks via the black market.

Since government officials have finally determined that they are not able to properly control the people from making homemade guns, they are now trying to regulate the ammunition needed for these weapons. While people have been reloading their cartridge cases for years, the manufacturing of guns at home has led to an increased need for ammunition regulation. This new attempt at regulation is simply causing people to store and stockpile the components they can’t reuse or make themselves.

Handcrafted weapons and the refusal to register all firearms will continue to be a challenge for government officials and law enforcement around the world, especially with the recent distrust many have for their authority.

~ Firearm Daily

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