Following the October shooting incident in Las Vegas, left-wing activist and filmmaker Michael Moore took it upon himself to offer Americans the specifics related to his desire to repeal and then ‘rewrite’ the Second Amendment.
Additionally, Moore suggests that a new amendment be created: He has taken the time to provide details related to this potential ‘new’ amendment as well.
Of course, we’re all familiar with how the existing Amendment reads:
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Moore suggests the following revision:
“A well-regulated, State National Guard, being helpful to the safety and security of a State in times of need, along with the strictly regulated right of the people to keep and bear a limited number of non-automatic Arms for sport and hunting, with respect to the primary right of all people to be free from gun violence, this shall not be infringed.”
This “new amendment” would allow the federal government and the states to pass legislation regulating an individual’s ability to own a gun. This, of course, includes a ban on all automatic as well as semi-automatic weapons.
In Moore’s fantasy land, each gun and clip will only have the ability to hold a total of six bullets and ‘smart’ guns will become mandatory. The benefit of smart guns is that they are designed to recognize the registered owner’s fingerprint, which Moore believes will eliminate much of the crime we experience because 80 percent of the crimes in America are perpetrated using a gun that does not belong to the individual committing the crime.
Owning and operating a firearm would require a license, similar to the one necessary to drive a car. However, to attain a gun license, individuals must complete a gun safety and training course in addition to successfully passing a background check.
An individual must store his or her guns at a gun storage establishment that is regulated by the government, or at a gun club. Moore states it is a myth that keeping a gun within the home provides protection. He asserts that .04 percent of all murders that occur in America are due to home invasions: However, he also declares that more than one-third of those who are killed during a home invasion are killed with their own weapon. Moore goes on to say that this happens because the gun has either been physically taken from the homeowner or stolen from somewhere else within the house.
Believe it or not, it doesn’t get any less crazy.
Since more than 90 percent of gun violence in America is committed by males, Moore wants a man who is interested in purchasing a firearm to get documented permission from his wife, previous wife or anyone else the purchaser is in a romantic relationship with (i.e., male partner/spouse). Moore’s idea for this law came from a similar law already implemented in Canada.
The progressive filmmaker suggests that Americans let the candidates of the upcoming midterm elections know that if they accept money from the NRA, voters will be removing them from office.
Based on all of these ideas, we can’t fool ourselves into allowing Moore to continue referring to his plan as a “revision” — it is a flat-out repeal of the Second Amendment, the very clause that gives the U.S. Constitution any teeth whatsoever.
~ Firearm Daily