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Gun Control Laws are Almost Impossible to Verify — Here’s Why

In news that will likely be shocking to the liberal left, the gun laws that they’re passing willy-nilly throughout the country aren’t actually going to stop lunatics from shooting people.

That’s right, liberals, gun laws aren’t going to stop people who are (gasp!) breaking the law anyway! All the gun laws do is limit the rights of law-abiding Americans who are doing the best that they can to protect their homes and their family. If this is true, why do the gun prohibition lobbyists continue to get away with creating these laws? Morality and working within the law simply aren’t concepts for individuals who are criminally insane . . . or simply criminal.

Preparing for the Unthinkable

Few individuals apply for a gun permit with the plan to commit a crime. The majority of these individuals are either sport shooters or preparing for the unthinkable: a time when they would have to maim or take another human life in order to protect their loved ones. The Second Amendment provides rights for individuals to protect their property and their families, but if these rights are limited, then people have few recourses from individuals who truly mean them harm.

We are seeing this play out dramatically across the country as multiple gun incidents could have been — if not prevented, then at least lessened in severity and scope — by a well-armed citizen who was prepared to protect the innocents in these stories. So many lives lost, many of would have been preventable if not for the limitation of legal guns.

Ineffective Gun Policies

Republicans continue to argue that many of the proposed gun control policies aren’t particularly effective against the crimes that are being committed, but it’s been difficult to get traction — particularly in the gun-hating, liberal states of New York and California.

Even researchers who were hired to prove a correlation between stricter gun laws and the 10-year ban of AR-15s in 1994 were able to “clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence”. The researchers finally concluded that the ban was inconclusive, and too small for reliable measurement. The ban was against semiautomatic assault weapons with large magazine capacities that were deemed most applicable for military shooting and criminal operations.

Controlling Outside Causes

Many lawmakers believe instead of spending countless hours attempting to legislate away the guns, that we should instead attack the root causes of gun violence such as poverty, income levels, availability of employment opportunities and more. These are perhaps the better metrics to consider when determining whether gun violence is affected by some sort of legislation.

While it’s unlikely that the debate over firearm legislation will end in the near future, fellow Americans should consider that the guns are not truly the problem. It’s the people that are wielding the weapons that need the legislation that helps control their maniacal tendencies — not the law-abiding individuals who are merely trying to protect themselves, their property and their families.

~ Firearm Daily

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