Hawaii is considering a law that would place the names of all gun owners in the state in an FBI database. Supporters believe it’s a groundbreaking step to make Hawaii a national leader when it comes to safe gun laws according to the AP.
The idea that placing the names of legal gun owners into a federal database will make Hawaii any safer is inherently flawed. The majority of gun violence isn’t committed by law abiding citizens who purchase and register their guns legally. It’s committed by those who do not.
The law will deter legal gun ownership as many gun owners and gun enthusiasts do not want to have their names on any database. They understand that this is an important first step toward having their guns seized and taken from them – something that happened in Australia not too long ago.
Opponents of the law believe that being entered into a federal database, such as this, creates an attitude of guilty until proven innocent for all gun owners. It also interferes with their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights to bear arms.
What the 2016 Election Cycle Means for Gun Owners
It is no secret that Hillary Clinton is in favor of stricter gun control laws and against private gun ownership in general. She has even gone so far as to accuse gun owners who are part of organizations like the NRA of being terrorists in a 2015 Town Hall. Claiming that we cannot allow “a minority of people to hold a viewpoint that terrorizes a majority of people.”
She’s running for President and gun owners cannot sit back and allow her to win. If she does, the consequences will reach far deeper than a federal database.
She will control the Supreme Court balance for the next four to eight years if she wins. That is something all gun owners, regardless of how they feel about Donald Trump need to fully understand.
It is why the NRA has endorsed Donald Trump in this election cycle stating that “If she (Clinton) gets just one Supreme Court nomination, Hillary’s court will hold that the Second Amendment is a government right and not an individual right, and you can kiss your guns goodbye,” according to the Los Angeles Times.
The proposed law in Hawaii is why this election cycle is so important. It is believed that if the law is passed, the case will eventually make its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
If Clinton is elected and fills the current court vacancy – and others that arise, with anti-gun justices, gun ownership in this country will be on the line.
We will then see more states passing stricter gun control laws knowing the court will uphold them if they are called into question. Once that precedent is set, it becomes open season for national databases and paves the way for mass confiscation of guns purchased legally.
The Faulty Logic of the Left
At the same time, taking away or interfering with the rights of law abiding citizens to purchase and own guns does nothing to stop violence crimes in which illegally owned guns are used. All it does is create even more defenseless victims for these criminals and law breakers to attack.
For those who believe in the Second Amendment, you know that self-defense wasn’t the original intent of the amendment. It was created so that the people would never be held hostage to a government intent on taking away their rights.
The Constitution was written by men who had just gone to extraordinary measures to rid themselves of the tyranny of a government who taxed them but did not offer them adequate representation.
If we allow Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders (in the far-fetched possibility that she is held accountable for her national security crimes with her email server) to become President in this election cycle we may never be able to recover.
The biggest danger of a federal gun owner database is that it will become a slippery slope into tyranny that this nation will never be able to recover from.
Use your power at the ballot box in November to let left know that gun owners are not a tiny minority of voters and that the real terror is coming from those who own guns illegally and the ones who want to take away our rights to own them period.