At a recent rally, President Joe Biden claimed that the Democrats will unveil a full-on “assault weapons” ban, should the Democrats manage to add just two seats in the Senate come midterms.
The president issued the promise in what was an apparent attempt to muster up as much Democrat support as possible, something they desperately need considering their performance while in power has been absolutely horrid.
Biden said, “I want to be crystal clear about what’s on the ballot this year…Your right to choose is on the ballot this year. The Social Security you paid for from the time you had a job is on the ballot. The safety of our kids from gun violence is on the ballot.”
He later added, “If we elect two more senators, we keep the House … we’re going to get a lot of unfinished business done,” indicating that an “assault weapons” ban is part of the Democrats “unfinished business.”
In October of 2020, then presidential candidate Joe Biden proposed a gun control policy overhaul which included requiring that every AR-15 rifle be registered under the National Firearms Act of 1934.
Such policy would require that American gun owners pay a $200 federal tax for each AR-15 they own.
At the time of this proposal, the National Rifle Association’s Andrew Arulanandam said that on the “low end” privately-owned AR-15s in the United States total 18 million. In July of 2022, National Shooting Sports Foundation estimated that there are more AR/AK-style firearms in circulation “than Ford F-Series trucks on the road,” – totaling roughly 24,446,000.
Biden has made it clear he’s determined to strip Americans of this constitutional right, either through legislation or by force.
In a separate recent speech, the president threatened AR-15 owners, saying they wouldn’t stand a chance against the government’s F-15 jets.
Biden mocked Americans who believe – as the constitution states – that owning rifles will help them to defend against a tyrannical government.
He said, “For those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country you need an F-15, you need something a little more than a gun.”
Even more concerning, Biden has a long history of making these sorts of threats against law-abiding American citizens.
In February 2020, while on the campaign trail, Biden issued a similar threat, saying, “Those who say ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots’ — a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government, you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 is going to take care of you if you’re worried about the government knocking down your door.”
He made a similar statement in June of 2021, just a few months after entering office.
Guess he missed Afghanistan where rebels held off western powers for 20 years with little more than AK47s/AK74s. You would think he would have noticed that when he SURRENDERED to the Taliban a little over a year ago! In reality this idiot notices little after 50 years sucking off the government tit!
I believe there’s a damn good possibility that if biden goes full throttle on a gun ban against the constitutions second amendment he just might tip this country into a civil and have those guns pointed at him and his followers! Keep poking the citizenry biden and this country will blow up in your damn face, moron!
so he’s telling you to VOTE RED in midterms
Biden hopefully will not see two new senators, unless they steal another election. Biden is following the path of dictators that have destroyed their countries after denying people basic rights and killing millions. Unfortunately, I believe Biden’s threats and think he wants war with the opposition. The only question is, will the military fire on citizens?
Well Joe, you’ve done it now. I have put off buying an “assault rifle,” but I will have to now. I thought my sniper rifle, shotgun, and Glock would be sufficient, but in the unlikely event that your damn Dems can pull off enough voter fraud to pack the Senate then a full fledged Civil War will be very likely and I will need to be prepared. You really might want to reconsider as I’m very sure that none of your constituents own any guns.
This idiot that is acting like he is running the country is truly running the country into the ground. If the republicans don’t win the midterms, this country is over. The dems are showing their true colors. They just want to win at all costs, they are not interested in what is good for the country.
If there is a second Civil War, hopefully a lot more Commieturds taking dirt naps than America-loving Patriots!!
I hope it doesn’t come to another civil war. As warriors we have fought on foreign lands to keep the fight out of our country. Let ther be no doubt in any liberals minds that we have the largest, best trained VFW & American Legion Guerrilla force in the world and there will be enough guns & ammo available from our adversaries. By the way; the oath is still in effect! Gunny⚔️
Biden has always been and still continues to be a traitor to the country and the constitution. His entire regime was installed by fraud and they all need to be removed. All those commicrats that were before him also need to go and be removed. Especially the one who wants to be king and is trying to be president again by controlling the demented one.
Joe Biden is an embarrassment to the oval office. I hope all you supporters are happy now that this Bozo is in office. Many people are not so overjoyed about that. Pray the mid-terms go well for the GOP. That is the country’s only hope.
This turd needs to be stopped. He looked and sounded like the evil dictator from some cheesy drama from Hollywood. Threatening the American people is not a good way to get people to vote for your abysmal policies. He said nothing about important issues because he has failed at every point. 1.3% inflation to 8.5 in less than 2 years, prices at all time highs, crime at all time highs, no border security at all. Drugs crossing those open borders at never before seen rates. What a pos.
Joe Biden is a clear and present danger to the welfare of the US. To not remove him from office due to his cognitive decline is a crime against the citizens of this country. If he continues “poking the bear” he’s going to be instrumental in starting a present day civil war which D-rats will lose.
Joe Biden needs to go back to his basement and stay there
But an F-15 is not needed to take out a communist politician!
I must say, the Secret Service is doing one hellava job. Either that or the American public is a lot mor tolerant than I thought. I would have expected a dozen assination attempts by now against Buythem and Harrass !
Hell Biden can even tell you if he has a 10 or 12 gauge shotgun. Biden also as do most leftists cannot even tell you what the definition of an assault rifle is
Hell Biden can’t even tell you if he has a 10 or 12 gauge shotgun. Biden also as do most leftists cannot even tell you what the definition of an assault rifle is
As we all know, Prohibition worked great; nobody drank booze for about thirteen years.
Nasty drugs have been banned forever. That has really worked out great; we only lost about 100,000 Americans to drug deaths last year with huge increases expected.
There are about 300,000,000 legally owned guns in the US; the owners have trillions of rounds of ammo. If we were the problem, they would know it. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding, responsible people who want nothing more than to go through life without ever having to draw a weapon to defend against an attack. However, if my house gets bombed by an F-15, I think my well armed neighbors might be waiting at the airfield for the pilot to land.
The disciple Simon Peter carried a sword (John 18:10); it was not a boy scout pocket knife but a serious weapon carried for self defense.
Biden makes regular trips to China to be reprogrammed. Obama and Clintons are running the government. Sleepy Joe is just a puppet and he says what is on the teleprompter. When he goes off script they pull him off the stage and sed him to the basement to take a nap and watch Televisision or play Mario Brothers. I will stand with other patriots if it comes to that. Retired U.S. Cavalry Scout… SCOUTS OUT