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8 Concealed Carry Mistakes you CAN’T Afford to Make

People who are new to concealed carry sometimes make mistakes. It’s a responsibility you have to take very seriously if you choose to take your firearm with you outside of the home. You certainly don’t want to put yourself or anyone else around you unintentionally in danger. That’s why following all the rules and tips of concealed carry correctly is so important. Think of it like operating a car the right way. When you were a first-time driver, you probably made some mistakes too. Overtime, those errors in judgment probably went away as you became a better driver.

Here are eight concealed carry mistakes you shouldn’t make. 

Mistake #1: Skipping the Holster

Having the right holster that is specific for the gun you want to conceal carry is vital. Figure out if you want to carry “in-the-waistband”(IWB) or “outside-the-waistband”(OWB), and take the time to buy a high-quality holster that is custom-fit for you. 

Mistake #2: An Unloaded Gun

It doesn’t make any sense to carry a firearm unloaded. You can’t load it fast enough, more than likely, in any dangerous self-defense scenario that comes up. 

Mistake #3: Being Untrained

Getting the right concealed carry training is going to help you prepare for situations where you may need to use your firearm. Check out a comprehensive course near you at a local shooting range you trust. Skip the quickie intro classes and go for the longer one that is going to better prepare you with all the basics and fundamentals of concealed carry. 

Mistake #4: Not Paying Attention to Where You Can Carry

There are many stores, restaurants, or government buildings where you aren’t allowed to carry according to local state laws. You’ll probably see a small note on the door of the establishment that says guns aren’t allowed. Skip going in there and come back on a day without your gun. 

Mistake #5: Carrying Sporadically 

You won’t get used to the proper concealed carry methods if you don’t wear your firearm all the time. Carrying sporadically is a bad practice because it takes time to get comfortable carrying your weapon around on a regular basis. 

Mistake #6: Touching Your Gun A Lot 

Newbies make this mistake a lot. Stop touching your gun and making adjustments to it while carrying. It just looks suspicious. 

Mistake #7: The Wrong Clothing

If your firearm is “printing” or showing through your clothing, that’s a big mistake to make. It’s obviously not concealed very well that way if someone can see it through your tight shirt. Take the time to check a mirror before you leave the house with clothing that is loose enough to do the job right of concealment. 

Mistake #8: Not Cleaning and Maintaining Your Gun

Part of being a responsible gun owner is cleaning and maintaining your weapon. Ideally, you want to clean it every 250-300 rounds and oil it too. That will keep all the parts working the right way. 

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