The roar of approval could be heard throughout the country as President Trump’s conservative pick for the Supreme Court was finally approved after a lengthy (and ugly) battle royale. Riots in the streets, negativity from Democrats and even an extremely unpleasant smear campaign weren’t enough to stop the train of wins that keep coming for Republicans under President Trump.
What many people are wondering now is what Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the country’s highest court is likely to mean for Second Amendment rights of all Americans.
Brett Kavanaugh and his family have been through hell — literally — caused by the mainstream media as well as liberal troublemakers. From the so-called “sexual assault history” that turns out to have no basis in reality to the riots that were encouraged by the left, Kavanaugh kept his cool and protected his family as best he could. The glee with which the mainstream media reported on the allegations makes it hard to believe that they are truly “unbiased” as they claim to be. Fortunately, after an FBI investigation and a three-ring circus in the media, Kavanaugh’s appointment went through as planned.
Justice Kavanaugh has long supported gun rights, most notably with his 2011 dissent of the Washington, D.C. ban on assault rifles in the Heller v. District of Columbia case. In part, his statement read:
“Semi-automatic rifles, like semi-automatic handguns, have not traditionally been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense in the home, hunting, and other lawful uses. Moreover, semi-automatic handguns are used in connection with violent crimes far more than semi-automatic rifles are. It follows from Heller’s protection of semi-automatic handguns that semi-automatic rifles are also constitutionally protected and that D.C.’s ban on them is unconstitutional,” he wrote.
Kavanaugh has a surprising ally, as FBI statistics back up the fact that assault rifles are not the problem — the problem is individuals who decide to make bad decisions about how they use firearms. A strong statement from the nation’s highest court can make a big difference in how cases are tried at other levels leading up to the Supreme Court.
The problems that Kavanaugh have had to overcome throughout the extended confirmation process have been excessive — from attacks on his politics to pulling out some fake accusations about sexual misconduct in the early 1980s. He and his family — as well as his original attacker, Christine Blasey Ford, have been under protection to guard against the dangerous potential actions of liberal activists.
One thing that we can be assured of: his strong pro-gun stance is one that will help protect Republicans for many years to come. The attacks on our Second Amendment rights will be much more difficult in the future with a high court that relatively balanced while still leaning slightly to the right.
~ Firearm Daily