
The NRA Fights Gun Control in Virginia

The National Rifle Association is suing Virginia’s Fairfax County for what it calls an “unconstitutional” gun ban.

Virginia’s Fairfax County is one of the most populated parts of the state. Not surprisingly, it’s home to the Commonwealth’s most stringent gun control laws — making it the center of the fight for the Second Amendment in the state.

At the end of 2020, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors put through a vote to ban guns in all public properties. This includes places like public parks, community recreation centers, and government buildings. People that have the correct permits and licenses to carry their weapons would be subjected to high fines and even jail time for violating this new law. That could include up to a year in jail and a fine of at least $2,500. 

During the board’s meeting, they got hours of pushback and arguments against this ban from law-abiding and gun-owning citizens who don’t agree with it. That didn’t matter much though since the ordinance was passed by the board 8 to 1 — with Pat Herrity being the sole member that voted against the ban.

Other Virginia counties are considering similar bans, including Alexandria, Falls Church, and Arlington. 

The NRA has joined the fight against the gun ban. NRA Spokesperson Amy Hunter says that “the ban on firearms in parks and on trails in Fairfax County is dangerous and unconstitutional.” 

“When there are bans or laws, a reasonable person needs to know when they’re breaking one,” she said. “To have it say that guns are banned anywhere adjacent to an event that requires a permit, it’s just confusing to the everyday person.”

People have the right to protect themselves and their families in public areas. Some of the trails along many of the public parks are in heavily wooded and secluded areas. County officials, however, don’t see it that way.

“After decades of advocacy at the general assembly, we received the authority from the state to ban firearms on county property. This action was a commonsense decision that limits firearms on county property and makes us all safer,” Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeffrey McKay said, defending the ban.

People like McKay seem to believe that the risk of violent crime mysteriously vanishes when you’re standing on government property. If anything, they’ve just ensured the opposite.

With almost 400 miles of wooded trails throughout the Fairfax County park system, it’s an unfortunate fact of life that crime occurs in these areas. The law enforcement and park officials do try to keep these areas as safe, but this doesn’t mean law-abiding Americans shouldn’t be free to ensure their own safety. 

The NRA’s case to sue with LaFave v. Fairfax County is such an important and vital lawsuit to win. The domino effect of gun control has to be stopped.

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17 Responses

  1. These same people think we don’t need a police force too, all the while they are putting up razor wire at the capitol and white house.
    You got to fight to keep your rights.

    1. What do you do with a dog that wants to bite you? Keep feeding it?

  2. The Erosion of Our Constitutional Rights will Not Stop Until those Bent on Violating Them are put to Death! Once a Few Examples are Made the Rest will Realize the Error They are Making!

  3. It’s interesting how these ordinances and laws only apply to law abiding citizens. When one thinks about where an innocent citizen might be attacked by a predator would be a forest preserve, city street while walking to public transportation. So the criminal doesn’t obey these laws and get’s released back into the public even when they get caught. I’ve always been curious about the laws for public transportation. Your walk to the bus or subway could be a dangerous one. So once I get to the subway, what am I supposed to do with the concealed weapon that protected me to the subway? Laws that don’t make sense.

  4. Knew it would be in Virginia, where you can put already born babies to death on the mother’s and doctor’s say so-and not provide any kind of comfort care to them. A place where the It Governor’s a report, the Governor’s a baby killer who apparently has been in blackface or KKK hoods more than a few times. Leftist state government now wants to disarm the populace. Shocking! Not!

    1. The Research is out there….Bill Gates Sends Over $11 Million to Pro-Abortion Group Pushing Population Control..
      Then Bill Gates said vaccinations are the best way to depopulate humanity
      Bill Gates has openly admitted that vaccinations are designed so that governments can depopulate the world.
      Gates says that in order to successfully depopulate an “overcrowded world” at least 350,000 must be killed each day, and he says this can be done via vaccine programs.. Everything this guy touches means DEATH.

  5. Democratic Socialists are in direct violation of the Constitution. Did you know the American Hunters are the Largest Gun Carrying force in the World ?
    The Communists know it,, so keep this in mind .

  6. If the NRA cant stop them in Virginia then we all better duck cause the liberal commies are coming. 2ND Revolution??

  7. How long have these great Fairfax County Board of Supervisors been in office? What the vote? Who voted these folks into office? Who can vote them out of office? The best I have seen that took place in statewide VA was all the sheriff’s and people stood together and against the governor. Someone in Fairfax is a great organizer and pro-NRA to fight this. If not, the next step is to vote them out.

  8. They want to disarm Americans and let in millions of illegal immigrants, now I don’t know about you but I will not comply to dangerous

  9. I agree with the actions of the NRA. However, whoever wrote this article used the symbol for the “National Recovery Administration” a Great Depression era government agency that was ruled unconstitutional.
    Recommend using proper symbol for next article.

  10. You fill in the blanks,: THE ONLY GOOD DEMOCRAT IS A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !

  11. Guys, that is NOT and never has been the National Rifle Association logo at the top of the page.

  12. dont you folks have somebody in your office to check your articles before they are printed out whose side are you on ????

  13. McKay is so full of manure I can smell his stench here in W.FL.

  14. Considering this Country came to being because of the private ownership of firearms, this Country may well disappear because the right to own a private firearm has been taken away.
    Sixty-Two years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. No one has released me from that oath! “You want some, come get some!

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