If you go to the shooting range often, you need a well stocked range bag. This is a specific bag that carries all the gear and guns you need to take each time you head to the local shooting range. You definitely don’t want all this important gear thrown into any old duffle bag. That’s just not a safe way to carry your firearms and ammunition, plus anything else you may need for the range.
It’s much less expensive to bring your own than to purchase some at a firing range. It’s also helpful to have a gun maintenance kit that has cleaning tools, rags, and gun lubricant. Then you need top-notch eye and ear protection.
You may also need to bring targets to shoot at because if you want to cut costs even further.
You need a bag for all of this, so your choice matters. Here are our recommendations:
#5: Osage River Range Bags
This is a great mid-priced range bag that comes in a variety of styles and colors. The bag starts at about $50, so it’s pretty affordable. It’s lightweight with a ton of different compartments to fit everything you need for the shooting range.
#4: 5.11 Tactical Range Bags
The 5.11 Range Master Duffle Bag is a heavy duty piece of equipment that is priced at $164. It’s a bit of an investment, but it will last and carry multiple rounds, pistols, and any other gear you need.
#3: Midway Range Tactical Bags
The Midway Range AR-15 Tactical Bag, priced at $80, comes with large exterior and interior pockets. It will hold up to eight magazines for your AR-15. It’s also made of a special nylon that won’t tear or snag. This bag will look great going to the range for years to come.
#2: Voodoo Tactical Bags
This is a smaller bag that costs $120. It can hold multiple handguns and all the gear you need for them. The bottom of the bag has rubber feet on it which will also keep this durable bag in great shape. They also make different styles that can hold a rifle or other long guns used for hunting.
#1: Explorer Tactical Range Bags
Explorer makes a variety of range bags, but the one that rates the highest is their Fly Dog model. It’s only $22, but don’t let the low price fool you. This is one excellent bag with the capacity to hold three pistols, has a reinforced bottom of the bag, and is easy to use with containers and extra removable pockets inside.