While the Democratic majority in the New York Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation this week that they claim will make children safer in the home, gun…
Supreme Court to Rule on Restrictive NYC Gun Law
On January 22nd, 2019, The United States Supreme Court announced it would review its first case concerning the constitutionality of a gun law since their…
A Look at Proposed New Gun Laws from New York to Georgia
As the debate about gun restrictions and permissions carries itself on a national level, guns are still mainly governed by local and state laws. It…
NY Gun Control Bill Claims to Target Domestic Abusers
New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo recently tried to do the job of the state legislators by proposing legislation that would take away the right…
NY Politicians Double Down on Gun Control After Truck Attack
Leading New York politicians proved their complete illiteracy on firearms once again by doubling down on calls for stricter gun control laws as a way…
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