Legendary gun maker Smith & Wesson is taking their headquarters out of Springfield, Massachusetts and relocating to Maryville, Tennessee. It’s a bold move since the company has been in Springfield since its inception in 1852. Even though this move has just been announced, the actual relocation won’t take place until 2023.
Escaping Massachusetts
Smith & Wesson CEO Mark Smith is fairly new to the position as head of the company, only taking on that role in 2020. He said that the decision to move out of Massachusetts was “an extremely difficult and emotional decision for us, but after an exhaustive and thorough analysis, for the continued health and strength of our iconic company, we feel that we’ve been left with no alternative.”
What Mr. Smith really means in his statement is that Massachusetts is getting more and more anti-gun legislation passed in recent years. This is obviously bad for business.
The company will also close manufacturing facilities in Connecticut and Missouri in order to have everything in one central location in Tennessee.
Massachusetts Recently Passed Anti-Gun Legislation
The type of laws that are getting passed in this east coast state would make it illegal for Smith & Wesson to manufacture certain types of guns. That would significantly cut into the gun styles they are allowed to make, which would reduce their profits and put the health of their company at risk. It just makes good financial sense to move operations to a more pro Second Amendment state.
The company employs 2,240 people. Some but not all will make the move to the new location. The company estimates that around 750 employees will come to Tennessee with them. It’s sad that a lot of the factory workers are going to lose their jobs, but the move makes the company able to produce their stellar lineup of weapons, like the M&P Shield Plus, the S&W Governor, or the M&P 15 Sport II without interruption.
The Factors That Influenced Their Decision
There were a variety fo factors that influenced their decision to move to a new state, besides intense support for the Second Amendment. They had to analyze the affordability of the area with a good cost of living, the availability of a factory labor force, shipping distribution ease, and having the access to university level education system.
Maryville, Tennessee sits near the Knoxville Metropolitan area in the eastern part of the state. The population is around 27,000 people. The company expects to invest $120 million dollars with the move.
Good for them. Leave that leftist infected commie leaning shithole.
Having grown up in the Springfield area I have known Dan and his family. Massachusetts is no longer worth living in a communist leaning commonwealth state. I was a S&W Gunsmith for years. It’s a shame but good for them and Tenn.
Will do my part to help their move. Will buy a few more of their wonderful hand guns.
I sorry that Massachusetts has become so UnAmerican, that you have to move. I believe your company will have a great new home in Tennessee. I do wish you would have chosen Texas to make your new home. I wish you and your company ever thing go.
I have no sympathy for the state of massachusetts, (no I meant it to be a small m they dont’t deserve otherwise it would be like capitalizing the devil). This is simply another illustration of what happens when a state want’s to direct private business by taxes or regulations instead of fiscal and social support. Weatherby moving most of their assets out of california (among a host of others including soon to be Tesla) is another fine example of draconian regulation and taxation above the needs of its citizenry. I feel for the some 1700 individuals that will loose their jobs but that is “PROGRESS” isn’t it! Cant help using the PROGRESS word when we keep hearing of progressive movements which are completely REPRESSIVE and socialist.
Why even consider saying there, with the state’s anti-gun agenda. I think all businesses related to firearms and ammunition should leave there and not contribute one cent to their economy. I will never contribute time, energy or money to socialist or communist run governments.