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Montana Gov. Signs Bill to Protect His State from New Federal Gun Controls

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) signed a law last Friday to protect the Second Amendment for his state’s gun owners.

“Today, I proudly signed Rep. Hinkle’s law prohibiting federal overreach into our Second Amendment-protected rights, including any federal ban on firearms,” the Republican governor tweeted. “I will always protect our #2A right to keep and bear arms.”

Gun-loving Americans rejoiced, including Republican state Rep. Jedediah Hinkle who tweeted, “Thank you Governor Gianforte for signing HB258 into law today and further protecting Montana gun owners. Additionally, thank you to Montana Shooting Sports Association for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to carry such important legislation for our 2nd amendment rights!” 

The new law bans law enforcement and state employees from enforcing federal gun controls in Montana. The law also bans the use of state money to enforce bans against specific guns, ammunition or firearm accessories.

Gianforte is not alone in his work to prevent Biden’s gun controls from interfering in his state. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) became the first to sign a similar law. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) is preparing to sign a version in his state as well.

Not all bills have received a warm welcome in the process. In Arkansas, Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) vetoed a similar Second Amendment law. 

Conservative-led states have wisely chosen to seek preemptive measures in the current Biden Second Amendment war. Though his administration is only in the early stages of announcing what may be a sweeping list of gun controls, a growing number of conservatives have vowed to reject their acceptance or enforcement.

Much of the controversy involves a faulty link between cause and effect. When a mass shooting happens, it immediately becomes another reason to decry firearms and promote new restrictions. But the restrictions won’t stop those who are already breaking the law.

Instead, the gun controls make it more difficult for law-abiding American citizens to live out their Second Amendment rights. Unless Biden truly believes no amendment can go without changing, there’s not much you can legally do to stop citizens from obtaining a gun without “infringing” on their rights.

We’re not talking about rocket launchers and lasers, either. The sweeping list of proposed changes could include a wide variety of shotguns, basic handguns, and even firearm accessories. The Biden bait and switch could include more than 100 different guns and accessories under its claims that, “No one needs an AR-15.”

But Biden fails to recognize it’s not about whether an American needs one; it’s whether it’s legal to obtain one. The Second Amendment is not a suggestion; it’s a right. As long as conservative governors continue to stand up for their citizens, we’ll hopefully be able to continue to exercise all our rights as free Americans.

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11 Responses

  1. The 2nd Amendment shall not be Infringed – does Demented Joe know how to read and understand – there should not be ANY discussion on gun control etc – The Constitution makes it very clear we have the RIGHT to Own – Carry – and Use Firearms – how did We The People let the discussion on taking away Our Rights even get started – End it Now – tell them shut up and read the Constitution its not open to interpretation

  2. Grow up. The Dems do not care one whit what the Constitution says. It is irrelevant in their way of thinking and basically does not exist in their world view. Considering all the people flooding over the border, any sane person can readily see the crying need for a weapon to protect life, limb and property. The problem is we do not know anything about the vast majority of these new “citizens” and more’s the pity. I do not know how all this is going to end and most likely never will. I am old and managed to survive COVID but there are more problems down the road with this disease for all of us.

  3. THANK YOU GOV. G! We Montanans are SO GREATFUL! Keep up the good work.

  4. Thank you Governor Greg Gianforte for signing this protection for Montana’s freedom and protecting our right to bear arms. Also thank you to the sponsor and all who worked to make this reality. Joe is a idiot and the people of Montana made thier position clear at the ballot box in November .

  5. Expecting the republican’s to do anything about what’s going on is a death wish. Most of them are just like the democrats, but most people think they are here to help us. Keep dreaming. Open your eyes and see that if we don’t take care of the problem America is done. What does it take before all you sheeple will see and finally react like they did in 1776. Trump could have ended this while he was still president, but he wouldn’t. And he didn’t. Haven’t anyone noticed he catered to industry and didn’t do much for the people. He is almost just like the scumbag Biden Obama, just approaching it from a different perspective. Every politician who doesn’t support the constitution and Bill of Rights should be charged with treason and harshly dealt with. No one is going to come to our rescue. If “We the People” don’t deal with this, no one will. Why are so many of us so stupid? But then, we reap what we sow. No one should be writing about what’s going on. We should have dealt with it years ago and there wouldn’t be the trash we now have in the White House. They would be in prison or dead. Can’t anyone see the writing on the wall?

    1. He has no cover anything he signs. Pelosi Schumer, the deep state tells him to sign it and he does. The second amendment shall not be infringed. COS is our only hope in getting Democratic governors to sign such legislation.

  6. This is to You Michael, I hate to burst your bubble that you seem to be living in, almost like the sheeple that you talk about!!
    Trump was asked to run for President by our NSA!! The last 4 1/2 years have been a Huge Sting Operation on The Crooked DEMORATS in Congress and Others, Like Rhinos!! There is a Bigger Problem Out There, and It Has Been Going On For The Last Couple of 100 Years!!! There is a movie that You And Anybody Else Who Cares About What Really Has Been Happening Under The Great White House and the Rest of the World!!! The movie is called, The Fall of the CABAL!! It’s on Bitchute!! It’s a 3 hour movie, and it’s Very Fast Pace!!! It will tell you All About What Really Is Going On With Everything!!! This Isn’t Just About The Rigged Election, It’s Mainly To Charge Sick People to Crimes Against Humanity!!! You might want to Watch the movie twice just to get it All to Sink In!!!!??

    1. Well, if there was a sting operation going on for the last four and a half years where are the arrests? And why has it taken 4 1/2 years to decide they are treasonous criminals? You yourself said it’s been going on for the last 200 years! And it has taken another 4 1/2 years to decide if something should be done? Where are the judges who will look at the evidence? It’s so bad now even the supreme court won’t look at what’s been going on. And yes it’s been going on for the last couple hundred years and our political masters in Washington have allowed it to go on. Most even participated throughout the years. As far as my bubble, I stand by what I’ve said, and don’t need to watch a movie to see what’s going on. It doesn’t take 200+ years or your four and a half years to remove the liberal treasonous from our government. If the people don’t stand up we will be a subdivision of China in just a few years! I’m sure all these politicians and judges have been paid off, or scared off from doing their duty to America. Calling the invitation to come into the capital by the DC police an insurrection, and what’s going on for more then a year in Washington, Oregon, and California as peaceful protests is what we get from most of our political leaders and not what America should be getting from those who have decided that we work for them and not the other way around. The Gov. in Montana didn’t take 4 1/2 years to take a stand against Biden’s Treason. Now we need all the other Governors to do the same, as well as recall and charge Biden with treason without waiting 4 1/2 years to do it. I’m sure glad it didn’t take our country 4 1/2 years to do their sting operation before deciding what to do in WWll ! I know there are some good politicians and on both sides, but few are willing to do what’s necessary! And you’ve got the gall to say I’m living in a bubble! Maybe, but mine started in 1776 when the people had the balls to see what was going to happen to them and their country if they didn’t do what was necessary! Their possessions weren’t so valuable they wouldn’t fight for their lives! Their Children’s, and Grandchildren’s lives, and their future. But then again they didn’t have social media and smart phones either! It won’t magically get fixed, or go away. Get buried maybe, but not addressed by the people. God forbid these people should be held accountable.

  7. Wasn’t there a Greek saying:”politicians are things that crawl out from under rocks”.
    All forms of authority merely serve themselves-not us.
    I will not relocate to any democrat state,

  8. what is going on behind all the BS ?? its what you don’t see who is pulling the string’s , I think everyone or at least most of the ( R) know. Glen Beck called it when he was on FOX NEWS before he got the axe for naming the Aholes behind this SHIT !!!

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