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General Flynn: Deep State Planning New Depression

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn recently went on the record exposing a plot by global elites to usher in a financial depression and expand their control over people’s lives.

Flynn, once a registered Democrat who counseled Obama, changed political affiliations after disturbing revelations.

He joined former Pres. Donald J. Trump emerged as a high-profile target for Democrats and Deep State operatives.

After Joe Biden floated the idea of employing the almost never-used Logan Act, he was forced out of the Trump Administration.

The Democrats who long aligned themselves with globalists were wise to go after Lt. Gen. Flynn because he will not stand idly by as the lives of American families are destroyed.

“Their little plan with Covid didn’t work because too many people, you know, the world of what I call the digital warriors or the citizen journalists that are out there. They are fighting for the truth, and so the truth has been exposed about all the Covid tyranny that we are facing,” Flynn said. “So, I think what we’re going to see is potentially another type of virus that’s imposed on the public.”

Everyday Americans continue to witness Democrat lawmakers and governors attempt to put their communities under lockdowns with each new Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus “variant.”

The details seem increasingly murky as the establishment media hints at variants such as “Alpha,” “Delta,” “Mu,” and “Omicron,” being potentially more contagious than the last.

Although no proof or testing is ever put forward, global elites such as Joe Biden and his handlers leverage media-driven fears to impose more restrictions.

The globalists running the White House recently imposed a multi-national travel ban on African countries after calling Trump’s safeguards “racist” and “xenophobic.”

Now that progressives control both Houses of Congress and the Oval Office, they are better able to align their economic manipulation with corporate and political elites around the world.

But even someone loosely following the travel bans and mainstream media coverage understands that restricting people’s movement is silly.

The viruses many believe started in a Wuhan laboratory with funding by Fauci cannot be controlled.

Further insulting the intelligence of the American public, Joe Biden’s handlers allowed Fauci to delay the travel restrictions until after Thanksgiving.

“No worries, travel ban begins next week because, you know, variants don’t spread on holiday weekends,” Republican Rep. Thomas Massie scoffed on Twitter. “Who really believes this variant isn’t already here?”

“Why do people still take this man seriously?” NYC Council Member Joe Borelli reportedly said. “Either this is a life or death emergency, or it doesn’t need to happen. It seems like this is a lockdown for the sake of lockdowns.”

The New York City council member is precisely correct.

Lockdowns and travel bans imposed by Democrats appear to be orchestrated in collusion with globalists and wealthy corporate overseers who have a vested interest in destroying small businesses.

The long-term goal — as Flynn recently indicated — is to further the divide between wealthy and powerful individuals and working-class families.

“We got the various variants. There might be another form of a SARS that’s imposed on the international system, right,” Flynn said. “I believe that we are gonna see a couple of things. I think we’re gonna see… and I call it a controlled depression. Some type of financial, you know… just a manipulation or a financial collapse.”

Early evidence of Flynn’s assertion is all around us.

Joe Biden and his cronies specifically targeted oil, coal and even natural gas production during their first days in office.

Fuel remains a critical resource for the economy, and its rising cost has wreaked havoc.

The cost of gasoline, diesel to operate tractor-trailers and home heating oil have skyrocketed in less than one year.

With those price hikes, people are suffering under the worst inflation in more than 30 years.

Widespread evidence also exists that the establishment media is working hand-in-glove with progressives and Globalists.

After the price of gasoline and truck diesel crossed $6 in California and, again, hit its highest mark since the Obama-Biden administration, the mainstream media pushed phony headlines.

The left-wing party line was that oil companies were gouging people, and Biden was releasing 50 million barrels of oil to stop the spiking cost.

Truth be told, 50 million barrels only cover 2.5 days of fuel usage, and big oil is not responsible for supply shortages.

Joe Biden and the Globalists are behind the staggering inflation and crackdowns on freedom. 

Patriots such as Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn continues to provide fact-based information the fake news media don’t want you to know.

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11 Responses

  1. That POS Biden needs Impeached before he Destroys the rest of America

    1. First we need to gain control of both houses and then both houses need to stand up to Biden and Harris. Remember that when we get rid of Biden, Harris takes the helm. We need to stand up to them and not cave like the republicans did when they controlled both houses and pretty much gave Obama what ever he wanted. When we gain control and Biden /Harris want to write an EO, slap it down. Let them know that it won’t be that easy. In fact, they ought to look into seeing if an EO that’s already in place, can be reversed. Therefore reopening the Keystone pipeline and restart drilling in Alaska, offshore, and on public property. See if congress has the authority to reverse every EO Biden has signed.


  2. General FLYNN will get us i believe who is “running this BS”. WE THE PEOPLE already know someone is “overthrowing” our country, WHY IS NOT MORE of our elected, not fighting for us. Yes, i know the election was stolen? BUT physically or electorially removing PELOSI, she is the STALEMATE , causing nothing to be brought on this administration. Hell, neither biden, not living in white house, POS harris America don’t believe a word out of her little mouth, and our supposedly trusted FBI AND CIA are not willingly getting their nose into WHO IS BEHIND BIDEN/HARRIS pulling the shots. (whoa, on the ONE who is causing biden to do this on America, cause the worst penalty, IS NOT ENOUGH… THIS WILL ALSO COME TO PASS, and all hell will breakout on all involved. ALL the ones who put this puppit regime in office, will be running to hide from facing the music . I hope i can witness it all. AMERICA will not fall

  3. this globalist plan is called agenda 2030 and the world economic forum is the emperor who wears no cloths.

    1. the involved are the nwo,globalists,antichrist,666, and so many who have been chosen from all walks of life and administrations who fall in line with one world gov under guise of socialism.. these are the scumballs who are positioned to take over the world,along with possible aliensfrom other worlds who want to inhabit this planet,greys reptilians etccc…Eisenhower knew the truth,is depopulation in the agenda??????


  5. I really don’t understand why the DemocRAT politicians hate America so much?! They are so corrupt!

  6. I do believe everyone’s comments are spot on! We the People are in charge. Not these reprobates! The sooner they understand this concept, the sooner WE can get on with our daily lives!

  7. After what happened in the 2020 Presidential election and other state elections, we can NEVER be certain that the Commucrats/deep state creatures will endure the beating they deserve in the 2022 Midterm elections. They are evil creatures of the DC swamp along with other billionaires who have intruded in our elections for decades. For example, look at the Soros’ funded DA record, many DAs across the country are Soros puppets. There are many more like Soros and the sooner they are dealt with, the sooner we will be able to trust our elections to be fair and honest. Elections in America must NOT become Federally conducted, however the states must strengthen their regulations for voting, AND quality candidates. Voter ID nationally is a must!

  8. China and Communism are running our government and it’s time that we put REAL AMERICANS into office to put us to “The Republic For Which We Stand”. All who have sold us out to China must be arrested for Treason.

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